Nested sampling consists of three main elements:
The NestedSampling class fundamentally requires only three input parameters:
Other optional arguments can be useful but we shall ignore them for the time being. The MonteCarloWalker takes care of walking the replicas under some energy (log-likelihood) constraint, to perform uniform sampling (rejection sampling) in phase space.
We then have the MonteCarloWalker class that takes as parameters:
Integration with the MCpele walkers is possible (they provide c++ performance through a Python interface!), but this will be addressed in another tutorial.
The run_nested_sampling() method primarily takes as parameters:
Here we shall cover the basic steps necessary for the implementation of a nested sampling runner to perform our calculations. In the example/harmonic folder we provide two basic implementations of a nested sampling runner with thread based parallelisation (single node) and distributed parallelisation (multiple nodes). Let us start with the most simple case.
First of all we need to import the modules that we need:
from nested_sampling import NestedSampling, MonteCarloWalker, Harmonic, run_nested_sampling, Replica
and choose a reasonable set of parameters (note that in the actual example we use the argparse module instead):
ndof = 3 #no. of degrees of freedom
nproc = 4 #no. of cores
nsteps = 1e3 #no. of Monte Carlo steps per walk
nreplicas = 1e3 #no. of initial samples (replicas)
stepsize = 0.1 #stepsize
etol = 0.01 #Emax replica - Emin replica tolerance
For the potential we choose the most simple functional form, that is a ndof dimensional harmonic well, which we take from the models module. As we mentioned before each potential needs to have a get_energy function that returns the energy for a given set of coordinates:
from nested_sampling.utils.rotations import vector_random_uniform_hypersphere
class Harmonic(object):
def __init__(self, ndof):
self.ndim = ndof
def get_energy(self, x):
assert len(x) == self.ndof
return 0.5 *
def get_random_configuration(self, radius=10.):
""" return a random vector sampled uniformly from within a hypersphere of dimensions self.ndof"""
x = vector_random_uniform_hypersphere(self.ndof) * radius
return x
Now that we have a potential, we need to construct a potential object and the Monte Carlo runner:
#construct potential (cost function)
potential = Harmonic(ndof)
#construct Monte Carlo walker
mc_runner = MonteCarloWalker(potential, mciter=nsteps)
We then need to initialise nreplicas samples, we do so by uniformly sampling a set of configurations, and construct the NestedSampling class object:
#initialise replicas (initial uniformly samples set of configurations)
replicas = []
for _ in xrange(nreplicas):
x = potential.get_random_configuration()
replicas.append(Replica(x, potential.get_energy(x)))
#construct Nested Sampling object
ns = NestedSampling(replicas, mc_runner, stepsize=stepsize, nproc=nproc, max_stepsize=10)
Finally we can run nested sampling by doing:
run_nested_sampling(ns, label="run_hparticle", etol=etol)
which will perform nested sampling on nproc cores, on a simple node and with output:
In practice if one were to run the example provided, which makes use of argparse, would have to use the following terminal command-line:
$python examples/harmonic/ --nreplicas 1e3 --ndof 3 --nprocs 4 --nsteps 1e3 --stepsize 0.1 --etol 0.01
The nested sampling package allows to run the algorithm on distributed architectures making use of the Pyro4 library. First of all we need to install Pyro4 and add the environment variable:
$export PYRO_SERIALIZERS_ACCEPTED=serpent,json,marshal,pickle
or add it to the .bashrc file if we intend to use it frequently. This parallelisation makes use of a dispatcher (the middle man) that takes care of dispatching the jobs assigned to it by the run_nested_sampling() function to the workers . Workers are very similar to the nested sampling runners above.
The nested sampling runner needs only to be aware of the location of the dispatcher, hence we can easily modify the above method by adding:
#try to read dispatecher URI from default file location
dispatcherURI = True #if true expects dispatcher location
dispatcherURI_file = None #when None use default filename
if dispatcherURI is True:
with open ("dispatcher_uri.dat", "r") as rfile:
dispatcherURI ='\n', '')
elif dispatcherURI_file != None:
with open (args.dispatcherURI_file, "r") as rfile:
dispatcherURI ='\n', '')
dispatcherURI = None
where we prescribe to read the address of the dispatcher from some dispatcherURI_file. We then also need to add an extra keyword argument to the constructor of the NestedSampling object:
#construct the NestedSampling object and pass dispatcher URI
ns = NestedSampling(replicas, mc_runner, stepsize=stepsize, nproc=nproc, dispatcher_URI=dispatcherURI,
The actual example makes use of argparse and can be found in examples/ Note that in this case the mc_walker passed to NestedSampling is a redundant unused argument.
First we import the modules that we need:
from nested_sampling import pyro_worker
from nested_sampling import MonteCarloWalker, Harmonic
We then construct the potential and the Monte Carlo objects as above:
nsteps = 1e3 #no. of Monte Carlo steps per walk
ndof = 3 #no. of degrees of freedom
potential = Harmonic(ndof)
mc_runner = MonteCarloWalker(potential, mciter=nsteps)
and inizialise the Pyro worker:
dispatcher_URI = "PYRO:obj###@17###0:3###8" #address of the dispatcher
worker_name = None #name of worker, when None it's chosen automatically
host = None #host name, when None found automatically
port = 0 #port number
server_type = "multiplex" #type of server
worker = pyro_worker(dispatcher_URI, mc_runner, worker_name=worker_name, host=host, port=port, server_type=server_type)
In the actual example we use the argparse package to launch the worker from the command line. In practice the user only needs to replace the potential and the Monte Carlo runner to fit his needs.
We start by initialising a dispatcher by running:
$python scripts/
which will choose a random dispatcher_URI and default port from where it will listen for incoming communications. One can alternatively specify the server name, the host address, the port number and the server type (multiplex or threaded), we use the multiplex server by default. From the Pyro4 documentation we note that
“a connected proxy that is unused takes up resources on the server. In the case of the threadpool server type, it locks up a single thread. If you have too many connected proxies at the same time, the server may run out of threads and stops responding. (The multiplex server doesn’t have this particular issue).”
The dispatcher will also print its URI to a default file name dispatcher_uri.dat from where we can read the dispatcher_URI (as well as printing it on the terminal). Let us assume that the randomly allocated dispatcher_URI is:
we can then start a worker by doing:
$python scripts/ 3 PYRO:obj_fbe65d26b5ed49d7bf3a590bea419a63@888.88.888.888:77777 -n 1000
where the first positional argument is ndof, the second positional argument is the dispatcher_URI and the optional argument -n 1000 is the number of Monte Carlo steps to perform at each call. We can start as many workers as we like, although we expect that the dispatcher efficiency decreases as the number of workers increases. It should be clear from the previus section that each worker has its own MonteCarloWalker object and whatever choice we make for the NestedSampling class will not have any effect on the workers (in this case the mc_walker passed to NestedSampling is redundant).
Finally we need to run the terminal command-line:
$python examples/harmonic/ --dispatcherURI --nreplicas 1e3 --ndof 3 --nprocs 4 --nsteps 1e3 --stepsize 0.1 --etol 0.01
assuming that the dispatcher was started in the same location. Alternatively we can pass the path to the dispatcherURI_file using the --dispatcherURI-file option. Note that --nprocs should match the nummber of workers for best efficiency.